nenaghbrosnan's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hachimantai, Japan

Matsuo Mine

Abandoned Japanese ghost town gives a glimpse into what our own metropolises may leave behind.
Tokyo, Japan

Giant GUNDAM Robot

A 20-meter (65-foot) robot towers over Tokyo Bay.
Osaka, Japan

Asahi Plaza Capsule Hotel

One of the first hotel rooms in a pod.
Tokyo, Japan


Drinkslinger is an unlikely vocation for a Buddhist monk, but at this Tokyo bar the enlightenment is served in a martini glass.
Atami, Japan

Atami Adult Museum

Museum showcases Japanese sexuality and some amazing ocean views.
Fujinomiya, Japan

Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine Mermaid Mummy

Reportedly 1,400 years old, this may be the first of the Fiji Mermaids.
Hakone, Japan

Owakudani Black Eggs

Legend holds eating just one of these black eggs can add seven years to one's life.
Tokyo, Japan

Gotokuji Temple

The legendary birthplace of the Japanese maneki-neko is dotted with hundreds of lucky beckoning cats.
Iwakuni, Japan

Kintai Bridge

One of Japan's most famous sights, the bridge was originally built in 1673.
Tokyo, Japan


After a profound show of devotion for his master, a dog becomes the symbol of loyalty for an entire nation.
Kasukabe, Japan

G-Cans: the World's Largest Drain

The world's largest drain sits below the city of Kasukabe, Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Pasona O2

Underground farm located in a former bank vault deep within the bowels of Tokyo's business district.
Tsuruoka, Japan

Sokushinbutsu of Dainichibou Temple

The self-mummified monks of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Sōgenji Temple (Kappa-Dera)

Shrine to Japanese water-goblins, complete with their preserved body parts.
Tokyo, Japan

Mohri Garden Pond

An ordinary pond with fish from out of this world.
Tokyo, Japan

Clone Factory

Japanese company creates clone dolls that reside in the "uncanny valley."
Hida, Japan


Enormous underground chamber built to detect 'ghost particles' of the universe.
Narusawa-mura, Japan

Narusawa Hyoketsu (Ice Cave)

A 70-foot-deep ice cave formed by lava from Mt. Fuji on the edge of Japan's "Suicide Forest." 
Himeji, Japan

Kokoen Garden

Nine Gardens in one—with tea service.
Kyoto, Japan

Yokai Street

This neighborhood thoroughfare is haunted by dozens of homemade monsters.
Kyoto, Japan


1,001 carved statues of the Buddhist God of Mercy, each with a unique face.
Tokyo, Japan

Kawaii Monster Cafe

A Japanese concept restaurant that feels like a party thrown by the monsters in your closet.
Yakushima, Japan

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

The magical, mossy forest that inspired Princess Mononoke.
Hakone, Japan

Hakone Open-Air Museum

Open-air museum with an elaborate sculpture garden, stretching for over 70,000 square-meters.