Odin Cleveland's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Camp Century (Project Iceworm)

A Cold War atomic camp buried under the ice is now emerging because of global warming.

The Flowers of Kaffeklubben Island

The world's northernmost flowers cling tenuously to life on desolate Kaffeklubben Island.
Alta, Norway

Sorrisniva Igloo Hotel

The world's northernmost ice hotel.
Amsterdam Island, Norway

Smeerenburg Blubber Ovens

These circular ruins are all that remain of a 17th-century Arctic whaling outpost.

Diskobukta Kittiwake Colony

Thousands of birds nest in the cliffs while arctic foxes prowl below.
Pyramiden, Norway


This abandoned mining village was predicted to resist decay longer than any other modern human settlement.
Longyearbyen, Norway


In the northernmost city in the world, it's illegal to be buried because it’s too cold for bodies to decompose.
Longyearbyen, Norway

Svalbard Bryggeri

The world's northernmost brewery uses water from a 2,000-year-old glacier to create its beer.

Svalbard Seed Bank

Cold storage for agricultural biodiversity.
Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbard Satellite Station

This Norwegian satellite station provides ground services to more satellites than any other facility in the world.
Barentsburg, Norway


This Arctic mining town is home to a cat that's spent years masquerading as a fox.
Highland, Scotland

Inchindown Oil Tanks

This abandoned oil depot produces world's longest echo in a manmade structure.
Highland, Scotland

Oil Rig Graveyard

Where the sleeping monsters of Scotland's oil industry are left to rust.
Orkney, Scotland

Kirkwall Ba

Twice a year, this Orkney town hosts a rowdy game of medieval mob football.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Sumburgh, Scotland


This picturesque archeological site looks like it was pulled straight from a fantasy novel.
Orkney, Scotland

Brough of Birsay

This tiny island featuring 9th-century Viking ruins is only accessible at low tide.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Broch of Mousa

A remarkably well preserved tower dating all the way back to the Iron Age.
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.
Lerwick, Scotland

The Dutchman's Leap

Legend has it that a Dutch fisherman lost control of his Shetland pony and tumbled from this cliff.
Lerwick, Scotland

Lerwick Public Sign Snail

The unexpected mascot of Shetland's capital.
Out Skerries, Scotland

Schoolhouse Cinema

A remote island holds what claims to be Scotland's smallest cinema.
Scalloway, Scotland

The Shetland Bus Memorial

This memorial celebrates the legacy of the British-Norwegian resistance movement during World War II.
Haroldswick, Scotland

The Viking Unst Project and Skidbladner

Recreations of a Norse longhouse and boat on Shetland's northernmost inhabited island.