skngoddess's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Idle Hour

The programmatic glory of LA's giant whiskey barrel building has become an upscale reminder of the city's kitschy roadside past.
Los Angeles, California

Giant Scissors

Giant scissors seemingly stabbed into the side of a hair salon leave no question about the vocation of the owners.
Los Angeles, California

Candy Cane Lane

Come crisp December nights, this fairly plain neighborhood becomes a holiday dream world.
Altadena, California

The Bunny Museum

"The Hoppiest Place in the World" holds the world’s largest collection of bunny memorabilia and is a singular testament of a couple's devotion to all things Leporidae.
Los Angeles, California

Mr. Ed's Home

A classic American barn that was the home of a classic American television star.
Simi Valley, California

Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village

An eccentric folk art landmark made out of discarded bottles by an inspired "grandma."
Mount Baldy, California

Bridge to Nowhere

Abandoned bridge hidden deep in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Santa Clarita, California

Oak of the Golden Dream

According to legend it was a nap taken under this tree that kicked off the California Gold Rush.
Santa Margarita, California

Rinconada Mercury Mine

Machinery left over from California's once thriving mercury industry now attracts artists and explorers.
Oro Grande, California

Elmer Long's Bottle Tree Ranch

Hundreds of trees made from glass bottles make up this forest on Route 66.
Murphys, California

Mercer Caverns

A popular tourist cave with a dark past.
Lancaster, California

Civic Musical Road

Finale of "William Tell Overture" can be heard as drivers pass over grooves in the road.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Beatty, Nevada

Angel's Ladies Brothel

A brothel nestled amongst ghost towns, with an abandoned plane wreck to greet you.
Goldfield, Nevada

International Car Forest of the Last Church

Graffiti, cars, and religion combine to create this jungle of scrap in the Nevada desert.
Goldfield, Nevada

Paste Eater's Grave

Eulogizing an unknown man's unusual demise.
Sonora, California

Mark Twain's Cabin

Where the writer penned his famous story about a jumping frog.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
McKittrick, California

Penny Bar

Hidden in the back of a disused small town hotel is a dive bar shellacked with over a million pennies.
Jamestown, California

Eagle-Shawmut Mine

Hidden beneath a lake for decades, this brutalist mine has now emerged from beneath the receding waters.
Inyo County, California

Saline Valley Hot Springs

A hard-to-reach oasis in a desolate corner of Death Valley National Park.
Mono County, California

Crowley Lake Columns

Eons old volcanic activity created one of the most stunning rock formations in the United States.
Yosemite National Park, California

Horsetail Fall's Firefall

Under the right circumstances, this waterfall in Yosemite briefly turns a luminescent fiery orange.
Coalinga, California

Iron Zoo

A dwindling menagerie of anthropomorphic oil derrick animals still dot the barren California landscape.