spenceburleigh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Camp Century (Project Iceworm)

A Cold War atomic camp buried under the ice is now emerging because of global warming.

S.S. San Pasqual Shipwreck

Former WWI oil tanker played a variety of roles in history, its tantalizing rum-flavored scent being the only constant.
Nueva Gerona, Cuba

Presidio Modelo

A series of five defunct panopticon prisons in Cuba.

SS Sapona

A steamer run aground near Bimini lives a second life as a playground for scuba divers.
Key Largo, Florida

Underwater Hotel in Key Largo

Stay in a room with a view... of the bottom of the ocean.
United States

Aquarius Reef Base

The world's only underwater laboratory where "aquanauts" study oceanic life.
Andros I, Bahamas

Subsurface Bahamian Caves

Inhospitable caverns just beneath this island paradise offer insights into alien worlds.
Big Major Cay, Bahamas

Pig Beach

In paradise, feral pigs have claimed an island all to themselves.
Rokers Point Settlement, Bahamas

Underwater Plane Wreck Near Staniel Cay

One of the most accessible undersea plane wrecks in the world.
Harbour Grace, Newfoundland and Labrador

S.S. Kyle

This huge ship ran aground and has simply been left to sit there ever since.

Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon

Tropical paradise strewn with hundreds of World War II wrecks.
Marshall Islands

Cactus Dome

An enormous concrete structure built over a nuclear crater.
United States Minor Outlying Islands

The 98 Rock

A desperate final message left by a POW on the run serves as a memorial for himself and the 97 that died with him.
Republic of Nauru


"The country that ate itself."
United States Minor Outlying Islands

Jarvis Ghost Island

An abandoned guano-mining city in the South Pacific.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Ha'iku Stairs

A Hawaiian stairway to heaven—that you can't climb.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Corsair Plane Wreck Dive Site

This WWII plane died a quiet death, and is now a garden eel playground.
Vågsøy, Norway

Kannesteinen Rock

Thousands of years of crashing waves gave this mushroom-shaped rock its svelte figure.
Lecce, Italy

Museo Faggiano

One man's quest to fix his toilet unearthed over 5,000 artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of history.
Fruita, Colorado

'Mike the Headless Chicken' Sculpture

It would be easy to walk past this unusual piece of art and have no idea it pays tribute to the odd life of a real chicken.
White, Georgia

Old Car City

One of the world's largest automobile junkyards is a unique landscape of metal and moss.
Cusco, Peru

Museo de la Coca (Coca Museum)

A fascinating little museum all about the rich history of Peru’s famous plant.
Miami, Florida

The Kampong

This beautiful Miami garden was designed as a laboratory for tropical plants.
Nakhl, Oman

Nakhal Fort

An imposing Omani fortress surrounded by date palm trees.