taylorabranson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bandelier National Monument

A small metropolis of Pueblo cave dwellings have been carved right into the hillside of this national monument.
Los Angeles, California

Griffith Observatory's Tesla Coil

High on a hill overlooking Los Angeles lives a world famous, high power conical Tesla Coil.
Calistoga, California

California's Old Faithful

California's own majestic geyser is powered by a subterranean volcano.
Seattle, Washington

Connections Museum

This Seattle museum displays the history of the telephone through an impressive collection of telecom equipment.
Seattle, Washington

Kubota Garden

This semi-secret garden in south Seattle emulates a traditional Japanese garden using the plants of the Pacific Northwest.
Avon, Connecticut

Heublein Tower

This lovely hilltop tower was specifically built to withstand 100 MPH winds.
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Ithaca, New York

The A. D. White Library

The library of every book lover's dreams.
Fayetteville, West Virginia


Hikers can still stroll beneath the long conveyer of this abandoned mining facility hidden in a West Virginia river gorge.
Detroit, Michigan

St. Agnes Church and School

This Detroit ruin was once a gothic bastion of its community, but now it stands as a haunting ruin.
Newport, Rhode Island

The Bells

A crumbling stone stable and carriage house are all that remain of a manse that was once filled with Egyptian artifacts.
Mono County, California

Hot Creek Geological Site

This naturally heated mountainous creek has created a group of neon blue pools of potentially deadly boiling water.
Plano, Illinois

The Farnsworth House

Tour the luxe "glass cage" that inspired and unnerved the architecture world upon its debut.
Pensacola Beach, Florida

Fort Pickens

One of the only Florida forts to remain in the hands of the Union all through the Civil War still stands as a historic stronghold.
Avella, Pennsylvania

Meadowcroft Rockshelter

This Pennsylvania cave holds evidence of the oldest known inhabitants of North America.
Astoria, Oregon

Goonie Trails

The lush coastal city of Astoria is riddled with forgotten secret sidewalks.
Pisgah Forest, North Carolina

Sliding Rock

Who needs fancy modern water slides when this giant North Carolina rock works just as well?
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The American Pigeon Museum

Celebrate the history of the rich and truly misunderstood relationship between man and pigeon.
Sedalia, Missouri

Bothwell Lodge

This historic cliffside mansion uses a natural cave for air conditioning.
Nye County, Nevada

Sedan Crater

The largest man-made crater in the U.S. marks the spot where we once tested mining with nukes.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Observatory

This humble star-gazing center touts itself as the "Birthplace of American Astronomy."
Palo Alto, California

The Frenchman's Tower

This odd California folly seems like it was almost designed to accumulate urban legends.
Put-in-Bay, Ohio

Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial

The world's tallest doric column is this Ohio monument to a naval victory in the War of 1812.
José María Morelos, Mexico

Cave of the Hanging Snakes

Cave where bat-eating snakes hang down from the ceiling.