togetmesomepants's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Évora, Portugal

Portugal's Chapel of Bones

A 16th century chapel decorated with bones, skulls, and entire bodies hanging from the wall.
Lisbon, Portugal

Carmo Convent Ruins

Legacy of the earthquake that nearly wiped Lisbon off the face of the Earth.
Middlebury, Vermont

Grave of Amum-Her-Khepesh-Ef

The Vermont grave of a 4,000-year-old mummy prince.

Antarctic Exploration Museum & Post Office

The best place to send your postcards home from Antarctica.
Maisons-Alfort, France

Musée Fragonard

The only remaining collection of flayed figures made by French "madman" Honoré Fragonard.
Culver City, California

The Museum of Jurassic Technology

A modern day curiosity cabinet.
Oslo, Norway

Kon-Tiki Museum

Across the Pacific in a raft, a museum dedicated to Thor Heyerdahl's now legendary expedition.
Oslo, Norway

The Mini Bottle Gallery

Tens of thousands of tiny bottles stuffed with various items.
Oslo, Norway

Viking Ship Museum

Home to three historic ships from the age of Vikings.
Tanumshede, Sweden

Rock Carvings in Tanum

Despite the groans of archaeologists, this astounding groups of Bronze Age petroglyphs have been painted red for tourists.
Larvik, Norway


Mysterious man-made rock piles form an ancient cemetery on this rocky beach in Norway.
Skagen, Denmark

The Sand-Covered Church

Tiring of digging out the door to this church for every service, it was eventually abandoned to the sands.
Norresundby, Denmark

Lindholm Høje

This Danish rock field is actually a sprawling ancient cemetery holding the bodies of 700 Vikings.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg Medical History Museum

A 200-year-old collection of medical paraphernalia in a historic house.
Kungsbacka, Sweden

Li Grave Stones

Iron Age grave stones and Viking burials, a short drive from Gothenburg.
Skagen, Denmark


The northernmost point in Denmark is a turbulent sandbar created by two clashing seas.
Frederikshavn, Denmark

Hair Jewelry Exhibit at the Bangsbo Museum

The largest collection of hair jewelry in Europe reminds you how creepy 19th-century love was.
Aalborg, Denmark


From buck blood to Theriak miracle tonic, this collection of Renaissance chemist's gear look's like a wizard's pantry.
Nibe, Denmark

The Troll Church

In legend, this ancient dolmen was said to have been created when a troll tried to destroy a church.
Billund, Denmark

Legoland in Billund

The original home of the Lego has a huge amusement park dedicated to the iconic plastic toy.
Kibæk, Denmark

Deep Forest Artland ​Skovsnogen

This Danish art forest places loud works of contemporary art among the pensive silence of nature.
Dublin, Ireland

Oddities of Christ Church Cathedral

The mummified heart of a saint lives on in this church—after a brief hiatus when it was stolen.
London, England

Lindow Man

A naturally mummified 2,000-year-old man.
Vejle, Denmark

Haraldskær Woman

When this Iron Age bog body was discovered in 1835, it was thought that she had died recently.