whiner2000's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brookline, New Hampshire

Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden

Around 100 sculptures from artists all over the world decorate the hiking trails surrounding this locale.
Salem, Massachusetts

Herb Mackey's Metal Sculpture Yard

One man’s hobby is another man’s world of metal wonders.
Beijing, China

Bai Gong Fang (100 Handicraftsmen Workshop)

A studio devoted to keeping hundreds of unique Chinese arts alive.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Xul Solar Museum

Xul Solar was an artist of alternate worlds, inventor of languages, and dreamer of utopias.
Marshfield, Wisconsin

Jurustic Park

"Iron Age" creatures fill this huckster's rusted metal sculpture garden.
Deer Isle, Maine

Nervous Nellie's Jams and Jellies

Sculptures, jams, and the wild west collide at this folksy retreat.
Chauvin, Louisiana

Kenny Hill Sculpture Garden

Religion and personal struggle gave birth to this collection of concrete angels.
Ellensburg, Washington

Dick and Jane's Spot

An outsider art duo's yard has been turned into a whimsical public gallery.
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Terra Studios

An outsider art studio that created a piece of work so popular they had to turn mainstream.
Santa Monica, California

Farnam House

On a quiet suburban street stands a peculiarly decorated house covered in mosaics.
Foshan, China

Toilet Bowl Waterfall

What can compare to the comforting sound of 10,000 toilets running?
Staten Island, New York

Mount Loretto Beach Rock Garden

Eccentric stone cairns built on a public New York City beach.
Fort Collins, Colorado

Swetsville Zoo

This "zoo" is a cross between a junkyard and a sculpture garden, featuring animals you won't see anywhere else.
Santa Cruz, California

Court of Mysteries

A strange house built only at night, with rumored mystic inspiration.
Britt, Iowa

The Hobo Museum

An old town theater converted into a celebration of the hobo legacy.
Parikkala, Finland

Veijo Rönkkönen Sculpture Garden

Collection of nearly 500 concrete figures sculpted by the late Veijo Rönkkönen.
Săpânța, Romania

The Merry Cemetery

A small town Romanian cemetery filled with darkly humorous gravestones.
Portland, Oregon

The Zymoglyphic Museum

Private collection of art inspired by cabinets of curiosity.
Kortezubi, Spain

Bosque Animado de Oma

A living art gallery painted on a canvas of Monterey pine trees.
Christchurch, New Zealand

Fred and Myrtle's Paua Shell House

A New Zealand couple's shell-adorned home living room, now on display at the Canterbury Museum.
Cali, Colombia

Bichacue Yath Arte & Naturaleza

A magical world of elves and fairies tucked amongst the trees in Colombia.
Elka Park, New York

Dibbles Quarry

An abandoned 19th century quarry in the middle of the woods, remade by unnamed wanderers into a massive series of rock thrones.
White Post, Virginia


Outsider art meets paleontology at this roadside reptile repository.
Chicago, Illinois

Oz Park

This whimsical Oz-themed park had a wonderful impact on the surrounding neighborhood.