cottage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hakone, Japan

Yunessun Spa Resort

This spa theme park lets its guests take a dip in pools of coffee, wine, or ramen broth.
Algarrobo, Chile

World's Largest Swimming Pool

A record-breaking pool that uses computers to turn ocean water into cleaner, private swimming water.
Längenfeld, Austria

Aqua Dome Langenfeld

Visitors dip into a variety of pools of what was once ice.
Tarrenz, Austria

Starkenberger Beer Pools

Where beer lovers can literally immerse themselves in beer.
Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
Los Angeles, California

Phantasma Gloria

One man's homage to the sun continues to grow like a glass fractal.
New Mexico

Ra Paulette's Hand-Carved Caves

One man has carved a number of natural New Mexico caves into psychedelic sandstone temples.
Coral Gables, Florida

Venetian Pool

The only swimming pool listed on the National Register of Historic Places is emptied and refilled each day with naturally filtered water.
Bloomfield, New Mexico

Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

The land is full of geologic eye candy, such as otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.
Chicago, Illinois

Oz Park

This whimsical Oz-themed park had a wonderful impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Hanging Lake

Crystal clear lake with a shoreline of travertine located in a Colorado canyon.
Supai, Arizona

Havasupai Falls

This secluded aqua waterfall in the Grand Canyon is the perfect swimming hole, and the Havasupai tribe's fiercely protected natural wonder.
New York, New York

Lexington Candy Shop

The oldest family-run luncheonette in New York, last renovated in 1948, still serves food and drinks the old-fashioned way.
Gerlach, Nevada

Fly Geyser

A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.
Portland, Oregon

The Witch's Castle

These old stone ruins in the Oregon wilderness were once bathrooms and are steeped in legends of murder.
Yachats, Oregon

Thor's Well

On the Oregon coast there is a natural hole that seems to be draining the sea.
New York, New York


A tiny museum housed in a New York freight elevator specializes in the "overlooked, dismissed, or ignored."