cyriellegiger's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Sir John Soane's Museum

A cluttered and astounding collection of antiquities and curiosities.
London, England

Grant Museum of Zoology

The only university zoological museum in London houses extinct animals, bizarre natural history specimens, and a Micrarium of microscopic creatures.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Berlin, Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

An imperial church bombed to ruins during WWII now stands as a jagged memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Denkzeichen Georg Elser

A monument to the man who almost killed Hitler.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Montpellier, France

Promenade du Peyrou

This plaza is home to a number of works, including Montpellier‘s own Arc de Triomphe.
Berlin, Germany

Freedom Bell

A replica of the Liberty Bell rang daily from West Berlin's City Hall throughout the Cold War.
Berlin, Germany

Prussian National Monument for the Liberation Wars

A towering monument to war, located on a beautifully peaceful hill.
Berlin, Germany

The Bebelplatz

The site of the famous Nazi book burning campaign of 1933 remembers its "Night of Shame".
Paris, France

Petite Ceinture

Abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris.
London, England

The Hardy Tree

This churchyard arbor is surrounded by hundreds of gravestones placed there by author Thomas Hardy.
London, England

Cecil Court

A charming 17th-century alley is lined with secondhand bookstores and antiquarian shops.
London, England

Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel

A hands-off space for graffiti artists to hone and display their skills.
Paris, France

Le Défenseur du Temps (The Defender of Time)

A mechanized clock where a man fights off a dragon, crab, and rooster.
Paris, France

'Les Spécialistes' Fake Door

This banal Parisian entranceway is not what it seems.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Unterwelten (Subterranean Berlin)

A tour of underground Berlin takes you through WWII air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people out of East Germany.
Paris, France

Le Passe-Muraille

This surreal statue brings a famous French novel about a supernatural cad to arresting life.
Paris, France

Salvador Dalí Sundial

A surrealist timepiece by the artist of melting clocks.
Barcelona, Spain

Labyrinth Park of Horta

This semi-secret storybook hedge maze is also the oldest garden in the city.
Berlin, Germany

Café Strauss

Residents of Berlin take their coffee and cake in one of the city’s most restful spaces: a cemetery.
Paris, France

The Last Original Standard Metre

An overlooked marble is the only surviving in-place 18th century example of the measurement that changed how we define distance.