DdraigGoch's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Roscoe, New York

Craig-E-Clair Castle

An abandoned castle owned and ignored by Masons carries a cursed history.
London, England

The Lost River Fleet

The largest of London's subterranean rivers and once a mad, bad center of London life.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges

The atmospheric road was never meant to be so creepy.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

A "gravitational anomaly" located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ta Prohm

A battle between nature and architecture in the Cambodian jungle.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Hanging Lake

Crystal clear lake with a shoreline of travertine located in a Colorado canyon.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.


A spectacular cave and a beguiling lake.
Ellicott City, Maryland

St. Mary's College

The haunting "Hell House Altar" is one of the few remnants of an abandoned college that has been a magnet for local legends.
Richfield, Utah

Pando, the Trembling Giant

One of the world's oldest and most massive living organisms is a grove of quaking aspens.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
New York, New York

Tannen's Magic Shop

New York's oldest magic store.
Tokyo, Japan

Fantasy Dining Alice in a Labyrinth

Fine dining in the bizarre world of Lewis Carroll.
Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird

Continuing the tradition of the dime museum in style.
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park

Mysterious rocks that ring musically when struck.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.
Abhaneri, India

Chand Baori

Thousands of exquisitely carved stone water storage wells, hundreds of stone steps fill this exquisite medieval stepwell.
Paris, France

Shakespeare and Company

This iconic Parisian bookstore doubles as the "Tumbleweed Hotel" for traveling writers.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Museum

Stepping away from the glitz of mobsters and casinos to learn about the other history of Vegas.
Calhan, Colorado

Paint Mines Interpretive Park

Wondrous sandstone hoodoos where Native Americans collected clay for pottery, 9,000 years ago.
Beatty, Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Odd outsider art installations surround a Gold Rush-era ghost town.
Baia, Italy

The Sunken City of Baia

A submerged archeological park still holds the wonders of a Roman Sodom.