kbanshee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toronto, Ontario

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

One of Canada's most incredible rare book collections holds hundreds of thousands of gorgeous tomes that the general public can touch.
Mexico City, Mexico

Biblioteca Vasconcelos

A jaw-dropping "megalibrary" that turns book-browsing into a geometric adventure.
San Francisco, California

Book Club of California

In this century-old literary safehouse, print is alive and well.
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Abbey Library of Saint Gall

This is not only one of the oldest collections in Europe, but also possibly the most beautiful.
Manchester, England

John Rylands Research Institute and Library

A Victorian Gothic masterpiece housing a world-class collection of rare books and manuscripts.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum

This library and museum is dedicated to the life and literature of the Indianapolis native author.
Seattle, Washington

The Red Hall at Seattle's Central Library

A colorful architectural gem in Seattle's uniquely modern Central Library.
New York, New York

New York Society Library

New York's oldest and possibly grandest keeper of books.
New York, New York

Secret Apartment in the Fort Washington Library

This abandoned caretaker's apartment is one of 13 left in the New York Public Library system.
Washington, D.C.

Carnegie Library of Washington, D.C.

D.C.'s first central library was born out of a chance encounter with the philanthropist whose name it bears.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Providence, Rhode Island

Providence Athenaeum

A 19th century library favored by Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft, known by locals as "the Ath."
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.
Los Angeles, California

Philosophical Research Society

A library of rare occult books in Los Angeles.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stadsbiblioteket (Stockholm Public Library)

The library's graceful rotunda is like a bibliophile's temple.
Melbourne, Australia

The Haunted Bookshop

Occult books, tarot, oddities.
Spijkenisse, Netherlands

Book Mountain

Peek through a transparent pyramid and drink in the mountain made of books.
Berkeley, California

Moe's Books

A shape-shifting buy-sell-trade bookstore, born to Beatnik Era spirit.
Maastricht, Netherlands

Selexyz Dominicanen

This centuries-old gothic monster has been converted into a sprawling, glossy bookstore.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Book Thing

This free, take-a-book shop seems like a trick but isn't.
East Lyme, Connecticut

Book Barn

With some 500,000 books across five buildings, this bookstore is a reader's paradise.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (Ritman Library)

This impressive collection of rare books on ancient mysticism inspired author Dan Brown.
Washington, D.C.

Library of Congress Card Catalog

A nostalgic bibliographic gem.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lucy Parsons Center

Radical Bookstore and Community Space.