reycath's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Longyearbyen, Norway


In the northernmost city in the world, it's illegal to be buried because it’s too cold for bodies to decompose.
San Francisco, California

Arion Press and M & H Type

Fonts are born and bred here at the oldest letterpress type foundry in the United States.
Estes Park, Colorado

Frozen Dead Guy Days

An annual festival celebrating Colorado's most famous frozen corpse.
Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Teahouse

This tea house was a hand-built gift from Boulder's sister city in Tajikstan.

Project HARP Space Gun

A giant gun barrel in Barbados that once hoped to shoot outer space with science.
Tainan City, Taiwan

Grand Matsu Temple

Only through deep darkness and tragedy did this elaborate royal palace become a sacred temple.
Xiulin Township, Taiwan

Eternal Spring Shrine

A waterfall runs right through the middle of this Taiwanese shrine to the hundreds of workers killed while building a nearby highway.
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

The Dome of Light

The world’s largest work of glass art hides in this stunning Taiwanese subway station.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

Eighteen miniature death-scene dioramas.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Scarpetta House

A model home in the Medical Examiner's Office in which grisly death scenes are staged to train forensic investigators.
Höfn, Iceland

Viking Village Film Set

This replica Viking village was created for a film that was never shot and is now open to visitors.
Tasiilaq, Greenland


Small Island off the coast of Greenland.

Camp Century (Project Iceworm)

A Cold War atomic camp buried under the ice is now emerging because of global warming.
Cape Town, South Africa

South African Astronomical Observatory

This historic observatory was established to keep shipwrecks from littering the Cape of Good Hope.

Ancient Kjolur Trail

Outlaws, hot springs, and tragedy have all left their mark on this ancient road in the Icelandic highlands.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.
Munich, Germany

Weiße Rose Pavement Memorial

These bronze pamphlets remember a remarkable group of Germans who fearlessly opposed the Nazis in the very center of their power.
Shumen, Bulgaria

Bulgarian State Monument

This massive concrete sculpture is said to be the heaviest communist monument on Earth.
Rilski manastir, Bulgaria

Rila Monastery

This historic black and white monastery is one of Bulgaria's architectural jewels.
Ardino, Bulgaria

Devil's Bridge

An architectural marvel that spans the Arda River, and has stories of a haunted past.
Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Shipka Pass

A mountain pass in Bulgaria's Balkan Mountains was the site of four historic battles.
Tambon Chiang Haeo, Thailand

Red Lotus Lake

Stunning wetlands ablaze with pink lotus flowers.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.