Sundar Mayor's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sundar Mayor's activity rankings
Places visited in Baarle-Hertog, Belgium
Places visited in Arnhem, Netherlands
Places visited in Agra, India
Places visited in Amiens, France
Places edited in Rouen, France
Places edited in Amiens, France
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Port Campbell, Australia

Loch Ard Gorge

A clear example of the process of erosion in action.
Princetown, Australia

The Twelve Apostles

Nine limestone rock stacks on Australia's "Shipwreck Coast."
Istanbul, Turkey

Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain

A fountain standing as a testament to a doomed alliance.
Istanbul, Turkey


Climb a steep hill in 90 seconds on the second-oldest urban subway in the world.
Geel, Belgium

Geel, Belgium

A pilgrimage site where people ask Saint Dymphna to watch over those who are not of sound mind.
Baarle-Nassau, Netherlands

Melkfabriek de Hoop

This building once stood at the center of a butter war.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The House with Two Numbers

This residence straddles a border between Belgium and the Netherlands.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The Migrating House

Not many houses move across borders, this one did it twice.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Zendstation MN7

A reconstructed World War I-era communications array that was once hidden in plain sight.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Borders of Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog

A maze of crosses marks the jumbled divide between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

'De Pungelaer'

A tribute to smugglers and the Butter Wars.
Mechelen, Belgium

St. Rumbold's Cathedral

The tallest church in Mechelen might have been the tallest in the world if not for a lack of funds.
Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands

Efteling Sprookjesbos

This fairy tale forest hides scenes from some of the more obscure and bizarre Western nursery stories.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Brussels, Belgium

The Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art

From Tintin to the Smurfs, Europe's greatest graphic icons are celebrated in a grand Art Noveau gallery.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Brussels, Belgium

Everard t'Serclaes Monument

A shining memorial to a Belgian hero is said to bring luck to anyone who touches it.
Villa Caldari, Italy

Cammino di San Tommaso Fountain of Wine

An Italian vineyard invites religious pilgrims to stop by 24/7 to get their drink on, for free.
Modena, Italy

Modena Synagogue

This beautiful 150-year-old synagogue survived Italy's fascist period and the Second World War.
Modena, Italy

Modena Archivolt

One of the earliest depictions of an Arthurian scene that is shrouded in mystery.
Palermo, Italy

Cappella Palatina

Every inch of this chapel is covered in craftsmanship from across the world.
Palermo, Italy

San Giovanni degli Eremiti

Behind medieval walls in a corner of bustling Palermo is a breathtaking former mosque once inhabited by a wolf-taming hermit.
Palermo, Italy

Galleria delle Vittorie

An abandoned shopping gallery built during Fascist Italy tucked in the center of Palermo.
Palermo, Italy

Porta Nuova

This triumphal 16th-century arched gateway leads to the oldest street in Palermo.