middlesteph's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ingram, Texas

Stonehenge II

A recreated Stonehenge stands in a country field, complete with Easter Island moai heads standing as sentries.
Imlay, Nevada

Thunder Mountain Monument

The self-made house sculpture of an outsider artist who named himself "Chief Rolling Thunder."
Syracuse, Utah

Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake

The largest island on the great salt lake is home to curious creatures and strange stories.
Sandy, Utah

Mormon Genealogical Archives

Step into the cool deep past and unknown future of who begat who.
Little America, Wyoming

Little America

Surrounded by a hundred mile radius of billboards, Little America is a roadside attraction whose primary appeal is hospitality.
Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming: Population 0

One of the smallest towns in the United States.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Hanging Lake

Crystal clear lake with a shoreline of travertine located in a Colorado canyon.
Lincoln, Nebraska

Johnson Museum of the Odd

A lifetime's accumulation of bric-a-brac and kitsch.
Boys Town, Nebraska

World's Largest Ball of Stamps

An idle pastime becomes a record holder in Boys Town, Nebraska.
Des Moines, Iowa

Zombie Burger + Drink Lab

This zombie-themed restaurant stands out in the heart of corn country.
Essex, Illinois

Jack Barker's Metal Art Sculpture Garden

Moving, mind-blowing metal sculpture work of an outsider artist.
Bentleyville, Ohio

Henry Church Rock

Landmark dedicated to the plight of the American Indian in the 21st century.
Alexandria, Virginia

Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum

An original apothecary from 1792.
Charlotte, North Carolina

David Černý's Metalmorphosis

A psychological self-portrait in the form of a giant, segmented head.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cator Woolford Gardens

Secret gardens just a few miles from downtown Atlanta.
Riverdale, Georgia

Hindu Temple of Atlanta

A vision of beautiful Hindu architecture in the middle of the American South.
Tyler, Texas

Apache Drive-In Theatre

A mysterious drive-in nestled in the forest that leaves little to the imagination.
Austin, Texas

Cathedral of Junk

This unique structure in suburban Austin is made up entirely of other people's castaways, and constantly changing.
Benson, Arizona

The Thing

What is the Thing?
Cabazon, California

Cabazon Dinosaurs

The "world's biggest dinosaur" once housed a creationist museum in its abdomen.