Sara's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Big Sur, California

The Henry Miller Memorial Library

It's not your typical library, memorial, or book store.
Del Monte Forest, California

Ghost Trees of Pescadero Point

Haunting and beautiful trees, doomed to die.
Pacific Grove, California

Monarch Grove Sanctuary

Every year, over 25,000 monarchs overwinter in Pacific Grove.
Bend, Oregon

Lava River Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in Oregon.
Fort Rock, Oregon

Fort Rock

A volcanic landmark located on an Ice age lake bed.
Crescent, Oregon

Mount Thielsen Fulgurites

This extinct shield volcano is the lightning rod of the Cascades.
Yosemite National Park, California

Horsetail Fall's Firefall

Under the right circumstances, this waterfall in Yosemite briefly turns a luminescent fiery orange.
Phil Campbell, Alabama

Dismals Canyon

Famous for its bio-luminescent inhabitants, known as "dismalites."
Nehalem, Oregon

Neahkahnie Mountain

Mountain known by the Tillamook Tribe as "the place of the supreme deity."
Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States, and once the site of epic destruction that lives on in legends.
Plitvička Jezera, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes

A chain of 16 wondrous lakes formed as a result of the gradual dissolution of soluble layers of bedrock.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Wabasha Street Caves

These curious caverns have been home to mushrooms, gangsters, and disco.
Ballycastle, Northern Ireland


The lake that fills and empties itself at random.
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Devil's Kettle

Half of a waterfall goes into the river while the other half seems to disappear.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Synchronous Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains

For two weeks every June, fireflies in the Smoky Mountains perform an astonishing light show.

The Milky Seas

The world's largest bioluminescent area was undiscovered by science until 2005.
Inyo County, California

Sailing Stones of Racetrack Playa

The rocks in this arid basin leave trails of movement behind them.
Cornwall, England

St Michael's Mount

A island reachable by a causeway at low tide is possibly one of the earliest Western European locations to be identified in text.
Syracuse, Utah

Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake

The largest island on the great salt lake is home to curious creatures and strange stories.
Doganella di Ninfa, Italy

Gardens of Ninfa

Ruins of a 10th century church tucked away deep in a botanical garden.
New York, New York

Lower East Side Toy Company (The Back Room)

Become a prohibition rebel.
New York, New York

The New York New Church

Join in a Seance at the Swedenborgian Church.
New York, New York

Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library

A good place to research the Freemasons, esoterica, occultism, and hermeticism.