Cavillon Cave at Grimaldi – Grimaldi, Italy - Atlas Obscura

Cavillon Cave at Grimaldi

Grimaldi, Italy

A beautiful discovery site of prehistoric burials. 

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The Cavillon cave of the Balzi Rossi is a charming place of rare beauty, and also a major prehistoric site in Europe; Cro-Magnon burials from 24,000 B.C.E. and female figurines known as “Venuses” were discovered here.

Located in Grimaldi, near Menton and Ventimiglia, the caves are found at the base of a cliff that faces the Roman old Via Iulia Augusta on the Mediterranean shore at French-Italian border.  The place and its museum is open to visitors.

Know Before You Go

Closed on Monday. The car park is located on the sea front in a very pleasant pine-wood. To reach the museum entrance, walk about 100 meters along the antic Via Iulia Augusta. You can enter the caves with the use of a path following a guide.

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