This mural painted by Keith Haring was done without payment as a gift to entertain the children at the Hôpital Necker.
The Keith Haring Tower, lit during the night.
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The Keith Haring Tower is the second largest Haring piece in Europe, standing at more than 88 feet tall. Haring painted this tower, originally a fire escape to a defunct building, in 1987 during a visit to Paris. Harring offered to paint the tower for free so that it could entertain the sick children in the Hôpital Necker next door.
In 2011, a restoration project began on the tower, and was eventually completed in 2017 by William Shank and Antonio Rava. During the restoration, the building attached to the tower was demolished, making the Keith Haring Tower the centerpiece of the Necker gardens.
Know Before You Go
The Keith Haring tower can be accessed via the interior garden of the Hôpital Necker for free.
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February 19, 2020
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