Iditarod Mile 0 Marker
Seward, Alaska
The beginning of the historic Iditarod Trail connecting the Alaskan cities of Seward and Nome.
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This sign marks the start of the infamous 2,300-mile system of trails that connected Seward to Nome. The trail was used by the famous sled dogs, Togo and Balto, to bring a serum to Nome before the inhabitants were wiped out by a diphtheria epidemic.
Today, that heroic run is commemorated by the now-famous 1,049-mile Iditarod sled dog race. The start of the event is in Anchorage, not Seward anymore, but it still covers a part of the original trail. Although mainly a winter route, there are hiking trails along the Seward Highway, from Seward to Girdwood, which incorporate the original Iditarod trail and allow you to follow along on foot during the summer months.
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November 7, 2023
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