White Horse Temple (白马寺) – Haidong Shi, China - Atlas Obscura

White Horse Temple (白马寺)

Haidong Shi, China

This temple located on a vertical drop of a rocky mountain houses relics from the Song Dynasty. 

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This is a truly obscure place, but a gem nonetheless. The White Horse Temple is perched on the vertical face of a rocky mountain in Haidong. Relics from the Song Dynasty, can be found inside.

Haidong is located in Qinghai, the least visited province in China. And almost none of the very few visitors to Qinghai make their way to Huzhu district, where the temple is.

There are many temples named White Horse in China; the most famous being the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, Henan Province, known for being the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism. Apart from cursory mentions of the Qinghai temple online, there is virtually no available information on it.

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July 1, 2018

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