Dolmen of Aguas Tuertas
Ansó, Spain
Among the best preserved megalithic monuments in the Aragón river valley.
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A dolmen located up in a breathtaking mountain valley, in the Pyrenees of Spain. This megalithic funerary monument is one of many ancient stones preserved in these valleys, but it is one of the best-preserved examples in the area.
The dolmen is made up of five sandstone slabs: one that serves as a roof, three are wall-like structures, and a fourth smaller one sits at the entrance as a closing slab. It has survived the harsh conditions of the mountain since prehistoric times, and remains in good condition.
Know Before You Go
To access the place, one must drive through a dirt road to a parking lot, and then hike around 30-45 minutes following the road until reach a mountain refuge. The dolmen is next to the end of the river up in the valley.
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September 30, 2022
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