Elevador Lacerda
This public elevator links the lower city to the upper city of Salvador.
Elevador Lacerda
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Originally built in the late 19th century, this elevator in Salvador, Brazil links Cidade Baixa (the lower city on the coast) to Cidade Alta (the old city above). It measures 72 meters (236 feet) tall, and has two towers: one that goes through the Ladeira da Montanha, and other, more visible, that goes to the level of the Cidade Baixa.
The elevator towers were renovated during the Art Deco era in the 1930s. The top is lined with windows affording views of the harbor and the buildings clinging to the sides of the cliff. The cost for a person to ride it one way is 15 centavos (about four cents in U.S. money) though those over the age of 60 may ride for free. In 2019, more than 33,000 passengers per day rode the elevator.
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