Fireman’s Drinking Fountain of Slatington
Slatington, Pennsylvania
Designed by the company that provided water to the entire community.
Fireman’s Drinking Fountain of Slatington
The Fireman’s Drinking Fountain on Main Street in Slatington is a historic landmark that dates back to 1909. It was originally built by the Slatington Hose Company to provide a source of drinking water for the community.
The 12-foot, brightly painted, fountain was designed by architect Richard H. Bollinger. Its ornate design includes a large center basin with four smaller basins at the corners, each decorated with detailed carvings of firefighting equipment and symbols.
Over the years, the Fireman’s Drinking Fountain has become an iconic symbol of the community’s history and heritage. The location and the colors make this fountain a hard-to-miss landmark.
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