Monument of Revolution in Ivanjica
Ivanjica, Serbia
A large open-air Socialist Realist mosaic, considered the largest in Serbia.
Monument of Revolution in Ivanjica
Opposite the Kušića Han stands a monument crafted by Yugoslav painter Đorđe Andrejević Kun (who had designed the coat of arms of the city of Belgrade, amongst many notable works), together with Nada Hude, Miloš Gvozdenović, and Ljuba Lah.
Information about the artists is featured on a panel on the monument’s northern side. At 32 feet wide and 13 feet tall, the mosaic is considered the biggest open-air Socialist Realist mosaic in Serbia.
The mosaic, surrounded by white marble, depicts revolutionaries amidst the turmoil of battle, composed of small ceramic panels. Flanking the monument are marble planters. The mosaic iconically lacks a written epitaph but features an engraved marble inscription reading “1941-1945.” It was unveiled in 1957.
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