Turkish Baths Harrogate – Harrogate, England - Atlas Obscura

Turkish Baths Harrogate

The last fully working Victorian Turkish bath in England. 

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Constructed in 1897 and renovated many times over the course of its life—most recently in 2018— the Harrogate Council owns the Harrogate Turkish Baths and opens them to the public. These ancient baths are not reserved for the rich and famous but are more economical allowing everyday visitors to enjoy a unique experience. 

Know Before You Go

Harrogate Victorian Turkish Baths offer guided tours on several weekday mornings where a resident historian will guide you through the building's unique history and experience of the Turkish Baths.

Tours last approximately 45 minutes and cost ÂŁ3.75 per person. Much like the baths, tours are subject to availability.

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July 25, 2021

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