Indy's Teeny Statue of Liberty Museum
The building is topped by a Statue of Liberty statue whose torch has stayed burning since the museum opened.
Indy's Teeny Statue of Liberty Museum.
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This little gem is located next to “Tim & Julie’s Another Fine Mess,” the antique and architectural salvage store responsible for the museum’s collection. Tim J. Harmon and Julie Crow have been accumulating the more than 1,000 pieces in the museum for more than 33 years.
The museum has its very own scaled-down Statue of Liberty atop the building, with a lighted torch that has never gone out since the museum’s opening in 2016. The tour guides do a wonderful job of explaining the phenomenon of why and how Lady Liberty has graced so many different kinds of products, including a Barbie, a lawn sprinkler, and much more.
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May 8, 2019
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