Kummakivi Balancing Rock – Ruokolahti, Finland - Atlas Obscura

Kummakivi Balancing Rock

Ruokolahti, Finland

Legend has this precariously placed rock was placed by giants. Science has another explanation. 


The Kummakivi (Finnish for â€śstrange rock”) can be found balanced upon another rock in the middle of the forest.

This strange sight perplexed visitors since its discovery, and spawned stories of giants having balanced the rock in its position, but geologists have a more realistic explanation: glaciers. This isn’t the first balancing rock to be discovered, and scientists believe that glaciers - capable of carrying such a heavy rock with them - left it behind as they receded to the North over 8,000 years ago. The power of glaciers trumps even giants.

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May 25, 2014

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