Meteorite Museum (Museo del Meteorito)
A massive display of meteorites all found in the Atacama Desert.
Meteorite Museum
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The Atacama Desert is a daunting, desolate environment for many. However, for more than 30 years, Rodrigo Martinez has traveled into this unforgiven landscape to unearth meteorites. The collection is now considered one of the largest in the world.
A geodesic dome located on the outskirts of downtown San Pedro de Atacama plays host to the museum. All of the specimens are arranged in chronological order and visitors are allowed to touch the exhibits. The collection is said to be supported by NASA, the University of Central Los Angeles, and the European Centre Research And Teaching in Geosciences.
Know Before You Go
Open Tuesday to Sunday, hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Then again from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
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July 21, 2019
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