Pelican Island
Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta
Hundreds of pelicans call this island no larger than a car their home during the summer months.
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Pelican Island is a small islet that pops out of the middle of Pigeon Lake in Alberta. The pebbles of the island are stained white with bird poop from its noisy residents. Through spring and summer, the island is host to large numbers of pelicans, cormorants, and gulls.
While most of the island’s inhabitants are only there to laze and rest, at least a small number of California gulls nest on the island, and with good binoculars, their chicks can be seen from a boat.
Know Before You Go
A boat will be needed to get there, any kayak or canoe can get there. Assuming you don't have a cabin on the lake there are multiple beach accesses and boat launches at the nearby summer village of Ma-Me-O Beach. the village also offers other amenities including ice cream.
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April 14, 2023
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