Chiesa di San Francesco a Ripa Grande (Church of San Francesco a Ripa)
A small cell adjacent to this church was once the bedroom for a renowned saint.
joseph79401433 joe adams 1k followers Follow Ragamuffin San Francesco d'Assisi a Ripa, Rome. In 1708, the paneling around the altar was converted into a reliquary for allegedly more than 1000 relics of Franciscan saints. The arrangement is mechanical, a handle is turned and panels revolve to reveal the reliquary caskets. ... less
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The facade of this church is a bit underwhelming and might cause a hurried visitor to pass by without a stop, but don’t be fooled.
Constructed in 1231 by the Franciscans, the church is dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi. Behind a gate next to the church is a small cell where it’s believed Francis slept when he visited Rome in 1219. The rock that he used as his pillow is also visible. The church has been restored several times over the course of its history.
Know Before You Go
To see the room Francis stayed in be polite to the guides, dress modestly, and ask in Italian if possible.
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January 6, 2020
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