"Shorty" Power Line – Sindelfingen, Germany - Atlas Obscura

"Shorty" Power Line

Shortest overhead power line in the world. 


Said to be the shortest overhead power line in the entire world, Shorty is just 94 meters long and consists of only two pylons: a wooden termination tower and a tower transformer. The transformer is situated on the area controlled by a water supply facility.

Until 1999, the tower transformer of the water supply facility was fed via a branch from the nearby power center at Sindelfingen-Dagersheim. That year, an underground cable was laid to power the nearby village of Darmsheim. Though an underground cable would have been sufficient to continue bringing power to the water facility, it was decided to link it using an overhead line. Should the underground cable transmission be interrupted, the overhead line would allow for the temporary construction of a continued power source for the town.

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September 1, 2010

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