The Safe Harbor Petroglyphs – Shenks Ferry, Pennsylvania - Atlas Obscura

The Safe Harbor Petroglyphs

Shenks Ferry, Pennsylvania

A sacred collection of indigenous rock art. 

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The Safe Harbor Petroglyphs at Big and Little Indian Rock in the Susquehanna River are the largest collections of Native American rock art in the northeastern United States.

There are over 400 carved images of wildlife, animal tracks, and other designs. They are believed to have been created hundreds of years ago or more by Algonquin tribes.

The works of art are only accessible by boat and are best viewed when the river water levels are low. They were more exposed in the past, but after the completion of a couple of hydroelectric dams in the area in the early 1900s, they are now more difficult to see and access.

Know Before You Go

Accessible to the public, but guided tours are recommended:

Use a sponge with water to temporarily accentuate the glyphs.

Important info!

This is a sacred site. Please follow the rules and regulations below:

Please conduct yourself in a careful, respectful manner.

Please do not pull kayaks, canoes, or boats onto petroglyph rocks.

Never use any material (chalk, crayons, paint, etc.) to ‘color in’ the petroglyphs!

Defacing the site is illegal!

Please only record the petroglyphs by photographing them.

Petroglyphs are best viewed during early morning and late afternoon on sunny days.

Even walking over the rocks and touching the images causes wear. 

Walk gently, in bare feet. Please avoid walking on images.

No Fires Please!


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