Tyrone House
Stradbally West, Ireland
The remains of a majestic house that was once stood in the crosshairs of the Irish Republican Army.
Tyrone House
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The Tyrone House was designed by John Roberts and overlooks the world-famous Kilcolgan oyster beds. The house was designed for Christopher St. George, the scion of a Norman Galwegian family. The mansion has been featured on illustrations across the country and served as the inspiration behind the book, The Big House of Inver.
The house was mostly destroyed during the Irish War of Independence by a local Irish Republican Army unit. They burned the house believing it was being transformed into an infirmary for the Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserve.
Know Before You Go
If you get the chance to visit the house, try to find the landowner. He knows tons about the house and even has a few pictures.
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