Yuma Proving Grounds Open Air Museum
Fortuna Foothills, Arizona
An assortment of armored tanks and Howitzer cannons in the middle of the Sonoran Desert.
Yuma Proving Grounds Open Air Museum
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Just off Highway 95 between Quartzsite and Yuma, a pair of large Howitzer cannons pointed skyward to mark the turn off the highway onto East Imperial Dam road.
The open-air tank and cannon display is about three-quarters of a mile down. Ample parking and bathrooms are available near the displays. The Yuma Proving Grounds main entries are down a bit further with another tank and Apache helicopter on display near the restricted entry.
Know Before You Go
This site is part of the Yuma Proving Grounds military site. No climbing is permitted on vehicles and visitors assume their own risk. Please respect this awesome site and the work of the area service men and women.
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April 4, 2023
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