zelmerh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nashville, Tennessee

Hidden Heart of Music Row

It may take some time to locate, but it's sure to warm even a heart of stone.
Nashville, Tennessee

United Record Pressing

When Motown musicians came to Nashville in the 1960s they stayed at this historic record-pressing company because hotels wouldn't host them.
Nashville, Tennessee

George Boedecker's Sculpture Garden

Dinosaurs invade a suburban Nashville neighborhood.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hatch Show Print

At 135 years old and counting, this historic print shop is heaven for poster nerds and music buffs.
Townsend, Tennessee

The Great Smoky Mountains' 'Missing Link'

In one of America’s oldest mountain ranges, a long-awaited section of a scenic highway is now open to the public.
Tallassee, Tennessee

Abrams Creek Underwater Bridge

Abandoned for 60 years, this submerged bridge was completely forgotten until the lake was drained.
Townsend, Tennessee

Tuckaleechee Caverns

Mile-long cave system near Great Smoky Mountains.
Townsend, Tennessee

Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church

This building contains handprints that are well over a century old.
Robbinsville, North Carolina

Cheoah Dam

A historic dam made famous for its turbines and feature in a Hollywood classic.
Forneys Creek, North Carolina

Tail of the Dragon

This winding road of 318 curves is a must-visit for (careful) motorcycle and sports car enthusiasts.
Asheville, North Carolina

Thomas Wolfe Memorial

An early life spent in this "Old Kentucky Home" inspired the writings of North Carolina's most famous novelist.
Asheville, North Carolina

Flat Iron Sculpture

This giant iron playfully pays tribute to an early 20th-century architectural trend.
Asheville, North Carolina

Biltmore McDonald's

Classy up your Big Mac with bow-tied servers and chandeliers at the world's fanciest McDonald's.
Asheville, North Carolina

Biltmore Estate's Secret Passages

The enormous 250-room Vanderbilt mansion conceals hidden doors and secret passageways.
Asheville, North Carolina

Helen's Bridge

This bridge is haunted by the ghost of a distraught mother.
Bryson City, North Carolina

The Lost Town of Proctor

The scant remains of this flooded historic village can be explored in one of the most remote areas of the Great Smokies.
Bryson City, North Carolina

Clingmans Dome

The highest point in Tennessee, Clingmans Dome bears witness to the ravages of one type of insect.
Bryson City, North Carolina

The Road to Nowhere

This road in the Great Smoky Mountains was supposed to assuage a displaced community, but ended up a $52 million dead end.
Cherokee, North Carolina

Mountain Farm Museum

Step back in time on this preserved 1800s farm.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Salt & Pepper Shaker Museum

Over 20,000 sets of spice shakers reveal the surprisingly telling history of our most basic spices.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Mayna Treanor Avent Studio

The art studio of an early 20th-century painter, hidden amid the Great Smoky Mountains.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Elkmont Historic District

An abandoned town is hidden in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Synchronous Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains

For two weeks every June, fireflies in the Smoky Mountains perform an astonishing light show.