hunterfrankscj's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Highland, Scotland

Clootie Well

A pagan tradition of draping trees with rags eerily lives on.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls

Ancient cliffs resembling a kilt on Scotland's second largest island emit an entrancing sound.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Spend the night in this formerly abandoned traditional Scottish village.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland

Eilean Donan

The most iconic structure in Scotland has been home to bishops, colonels, and Sean Connery characters.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools

These fantastically named natural pools look like something out of a Scottish myth.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.