heyitisgrayson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Santa Rosa, California

Charles M. Schulz Museum

A tribute to the life and work of the beloved "Peanuts" cartoonist.
Los Angeles, California

Global Effects, Inc.

Where the line between entertainment and aerospace blurs.
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Erotic Museum

An unusual stroll through gentlemen's erotica demonstrates that pornography is timeless.
McLean, Virginia

CIA Museum

A secretive collection featuring objects that were designed specifically for U.S. intelligence operations.
Marshall, Michigan

American Museum of Magic

Largest magic museum in the United States with more than half a million pieces of memorabilia.
Tallinn, Estonia

KGB Museum

"There's nothing there," and other lies the KGB told us.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Scarpetta House

A model home in the Medical Examiner's Office in which grisly death scenes are staged to train forensic investigators.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

Eighteen miniature death-scene dioramas.
Los Angeles, California

Caine's Arcade

A 9 year-old boy’s elaborate cardboard arcade in his father’s used auto parts store.
Hakone, Japan

Yunessun Spa Resort

This spa theme park lets its guests take a dip in pools of coffee, wine, or ramen broth.
Atami, Japan

Atami Adult Museum

Museum showcases Japanese sexuality and some amazing ocean views.
San Francisco, California

Museum of Exotica

An invitation-only museum of items natural and bizarre, arcane and exotic.
Wanaka, New Zealand

Puzzling World

New Zealand's epic shrine to all things puzzling.
St. Louis, Missouri

City Museum

Less a museum than a bizarre fantasy world created by artists and engineers.
El Segundo, California

Studio Antiques

Made famous by cable TV, this oddball collection of antiques and collectibles is a cut above the rest.
Medzilaborce, Slovakia

Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art

An extraordinary museum devoted to the pop art legend created by Slovak artists.
Buffalo, New York

Museum of disABILITY History

Museum dedicated to the struggles of the disabled.
Brooklyn, New York

'The Dinner Party'

This enormous banquet-themed artwork honors over 1,000 notable women throughout history.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Toys of Eros

This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
Los Angeles, California

Lincoln Heights Jail

Once the central jail for Los Angeles, this building housed inmates like Al Capone, those arrested from the Zoot Suit and Watts Riots, and individuals imprisoned for their sexuality.
Folsom, California

Folsom Prison Museum

This museum looks at the history of one of America's most famous prisons and most beloved albums.
Brisbane, Australia

Seized Endangered Species Exhibit

An exhibit of endangered species confiscated from smugglers and passengers.
Simi Valley, California

Ronald Reagan’s Situation Room

The White House Situation Room was taken apart in 2006 and shipped to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Big Rapids, Michigan

Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia

A collection of more than 10,000 racist objects that teaches the atrocities of social injustice and intolerance in American history.