shumank's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Marietta, Georgia
Places visited in Falmouth, Massachusetts
Places visited in Garretson, South Dakota
Places edited in Sandwich, Massachusetts
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Kimberly, Idaho

Shoshone Falls

These falls, sometimes called the "Niagara of the West," still put on a good show at the right time of year.
Twin Falls, Idaho

I. B. Perrine Bridge

The only bridge in the United States where BASE jumping is legal without a permit year-round.
Salt Lake City, Utah

This Is The Place Monument

A towering tribute to decisiveness stands on the spot where Brigham Young and his followers decided that this must be the place.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Gilgal Sculpture Garden

A hidden garden of stones engraved with scriptures, a Joseph Smith Sphinx, all carved by one man.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Snelgrove Ice Cream Cone

This giant ice cream cone is the last remaining icon of a Salt Lake City staple.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Site of the World's First KFC

In 1952, this restaurant began selling the Colonel's “secret” recipe.
Salt Lake City, Utah

'Out of the Blue'

This mural changes every few years.
Buford, Wyoming

Ames Brothers Pyramid

A monument to the egos of two railroad magnates that fell into decline along with their careers.
Laramie, Wyoming

Lincoln Highway Monument

The high point on the 16th president's eponymous roadway is marked by a massive version of his head.
Buford, Wyoming

Tree in the Rock

Miraculous tree that seems to sprout out of solid rock.
Ogallala, Nebraska

Petrified Wood Gallery

A fascinating collection of art made from petrified wood and fossils by two octogenarian twin brothers.
Bayard, Nebraska

Chimney Rock

This erect, phallic geological spire wasn't always named so domestically.
Muscotah, Kansas

World's Largest Baseball

This unfinished tribute to a hometown hero and early baseball great is now an abandoned roadside attraction.
Beatrice, Nebraska

Homestead National Monument

This was the first homestead registered after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act into law.
Horton, Kansas

'Four Horsemen of the Lines' Monument

A plaque recognizes "unquestionably the most widely published photograph in rural electrification history."
Atchison, Kansas

Amelia Earhart Earthworks

The face of the famed flier in a hillside in her hometown.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kessler Park Reservoir

An abandoned concrete jungle surrounded by a lush park.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Library's Community Bookshelf

Community bookshelf of 25-foot-tall book spines.
Kansas City, Missouri

Goin’ To Kansas City Plaza

This classic Kansas City song reference is the place for anyone who wants to stand at the corner of 12th Street and Vine.
Kansas City, Missouri

Wheatley-Provident Hospital

The crumbling remains of the first Black-owned and operated hospital in Kansas City.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Workhouse

This abandoned prison castle has become an imposing gallery of graffiti art.
Kansas City, Missouri

Charlie Parker Memorial

This giant green head remembers one of America's jazz giants.
Lenexa, Kansas

Lake Lenexa Dam and Spillway

An artistically engineered dam designed to honor the relationship between humankind and nature.
Kansas City, Missouri

Concorde Nose

How did the front of a supersonic jet make its way to a display case in a Kansas City yard?