darthsansa14's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

The Dove

A glorious pub known for a spiteful printing feud and its famous typeface lost—then found—at the bottom of the Thames.
Falkirk, Scotland

Torwood Blue Pool

The mystery of this small, brick pond eluded its possibly only investigator until his death.
London, England

'Treatment Rooms' Mosaic House

This home on a quiet suburban street is completely covered with vibrant mosaics.
Pontarfynach, Wales

Devil's Bridge, Ceredigion

Three bridges straddle a stream, one stacked upon the other.
Tintern, Wales

Tintern Abbey

This well-preserved Cistercian Abbey in a romantic pastoral setting has inspired artists like the poet Wordsworth.
London, England

West Norwood Cemetery

A Victorian park cemetery, standing on the site of what was once the Great North Wood.
Pembrokeshire, Wales

St. Govan's Chapel

A hermit's tiny cell built into the cliffside that saved him in South Pembrokeshire.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Callanish Stones

The mysterious megaliths have enchanted and intrigued visitors for thousands of years.
Manchester, England

Chetham's Library

Dating back almost 400 years, the oldest public collection library in the United Kingdom was once the study hall of Karl Marx.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Isle of Skye Dinosaur Tracks

On this stunning Scottish island, you can walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs.
Dunning, Scotland

Maggie Wall's Memorial

A mysterious monument where a woman who records say never existed was burnt alive for being a witch.
East Sussex, England

Beachy Head

England's most notorious suicide spot.
Tisbury, England

Old Wardour Castle

Besieged by war, this castle ruin has crumbled into a peaceful picnic spot.
Gwynedd, Wales

Portmeirion Village

A miniature Italianate fantasy village on the coast of Wales and the set of ITC classic "The Prisoner."
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
London, England

The Mayflower Pub

The London pub overlooks where the Mayflower was moored before setting sail for the New World.
London, England

The Star Tavern

The bar where "The Great Train Robbery" was planned was once a nexus of high society and low morals.
Ruthin, Wales

Pool Park Asylum

This abandoned asylum in Wales might look haunted, but it's still beautiful.
East Molesey, England

Hampton Court Maze

England's oldest surviving hedge maze has been confusing visitors for over 300 years.
Chester, England

Minerva's Shrine

Western Europe's only representation of a Roman goddess still in its original location sits in an unassuming park.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
North Yorkshire, England

Fountains Abbey

One of the oldest and certainly best preserved Cistercian abbeys still in existence.
Largs, Scotland

Kelburn Castle

This stately estate house features a tower covered in a bright, modern mural.