cateblevins's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sydney, Australia

Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Come for the flowers, stay for the bats!
Parkville, Australia

Melbourne Medical Museum

Australia's largest medical museum featuring a 19th-century pharmacy.
Mount Colah, Australia

Ancient Aboriginal Astronomy

An ancient rock engraving shows Aboriginals used their advanced knowledge of the stars to hunt and gather.
Davenport, Australia

Wycliffe Well

The UFO capital of Australia is the outback’s answer to Roswell.
Francois Peron National Park, Australia

Shell Beach

This Australian beach is composed of tiny shells.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.
Katoomba, Australia

Three Sisters

This trio of Australian rock spires may have inspired aboriginal legend or just modern tourism.
Darwin, Australia

Cage of Death

Visitors can swim with vicious predators in Crocosaurus Cove's plastic daredevil enclosure.
Hamelin Pool, Australia

The Stromatolites of Hamelin Pool

Living fossils in this remote Australian bay provide a glimpse of what Earth may have looked like 3.5 billion years ago.
South Mount Cameron, Australia

Little Blue Lake

A beautiful, but toxic, lake formed by mining.
Wellington Mill, Australia


Thousands of lawn gnomes have infested this Australian roundabout.
Pekina, Australia

Magnetic Hill

When you get to Magnetic Hill park near the sign, put your vehicle in neutral gear, and watch it roll uphill...
Millers Point, Australia

Sydney Observatory

This historic observatory contains the world's oldest refracting lens telescope.
Princetown, Australia

The Twelve Apostles

Nine limestone rock stacks on Australia's "Shipwreck Coast."
Styx, Australia

Styx Valley Forest

Rainforest filled with record-holding eucalyptus.
Ventnor, Australia

Penguin Parade At Phillip Island

An unphotographable nightly march of tens of thousands of "fairy penguins" from sea to shore.
Ansons Bay, Australia

Bay of Fires

Aqua white sand highlighted with fiery red rocks.
Sydney, Australia

'Forgotten Songs' Sound Sculpture

A collaboration of art and ornithology mourns the calls of Sydney's lost birds.
Sydney, Australia

Gould's Book Arcade

One of Australia's largest secondhand bookstores.

Horizontal Falls

This pair of Australian "waterfalls" appear to be falling straight across the land.
Sydney, Australia

Museum of Human Disease

Australian museum dedicated to human health and lack thereof.
Sturt Creek, Australia

Wolfe Creek Crater

A stray meteor left this picturesque hole in the Australian outback.
Cervantes, Australia

The Pinnacles

Alien rock formations grown from the sands of an Australian national park.
Melbourne, Australia

Flinders Street Station Ballroom

An abandoned jewel of a ballroom on the top floor of Australia’s busiest rail station echoes with the sounds of a bygone era.