jillianjjjiggspiggs's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Places visited in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Places visited in Lincoln, New Hampshire
Places visited in Turkey
Places visited in Sofia, Bulgaria
Places visited in Xagħra, Malta
Places visited in Durrës, Albania
Places visited in Austin, Texas
Places visited in Split, Croatia
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Fort Worth, Texas

Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave

Of course the grave of JFK's assassin is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
Austin, Texas

Whip In

This convenience store-turned-brewpub serves up inventive Indian cuisine and a wide selection of beers.
Austin, Texas

The Harry Ransom Center

The upstairs reading room is packed with millions of rare books, literary manuscripts, and historical treasures.
Austin, Texas

Switched On

A synth musician's paradise at the heart of a community responsible for the soundtrack to 'Stranger Things.'
Austin, Texas

Lala’s Little Nugget

At this Austin dive bar, it's been Christmas every day for more than 50 years.
Austin, Texas

C-Boy's Heart & Soul

This Austin music venue is an homage to a legendary figure in the local blues scene.
Chicago, Illinois

The Museum of Holography

A Museum of Holography frozen in 1974.
Chicago, Illinois

Site of Eugene Sawyer's “Inauguration”

Parking lot where a Chicago mayor was inaugurated under very sketchy circumstances.
Chicago, Illinois

Englewood Post Office

This modest post office sits on the site of H.H. Holmes' famous murder castle.
Chicago, Illinois

The Wieners Circle

A hot dog stand where the heads are just as hot as the dogs.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Yellow Lamps

An obsolete, vanishing traffic device warns Cincinnati drivers away from middle-of-the-road obstructions.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Lindner Park and Nature Preserve

Historical structures and natural wonders await visitors to this preserve.
Cincinnati, Ohio

American Sign Museum

Where beautiful signs live on forever.
Louisville, Kentucky

Gallop to Glory

This hidden jockey “walk of fame” celebrates the winning riders of the Kentucky Derby.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Reliable Market

Eat first, shop later at this eatery within an Asian grocer.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Museum: Arthur Ganson

Bouncing, delightful, mechanical art at the MIT Museum.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modica Way

An alley way dedicated to graffiti and street art is a constantly changing street gallery.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cosmic Moose and Grizzly Bear’s Ville

One man's psychedelic fence is painted with his cacophonous folk art musings on the world.
Boston, Massachusetts

Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

Beautiful steampunk ghosts of early Massachusetts.
Basel, Switzerland

Museum Tinguely

An interactive exhibition space dedicated to the kinetic sculptures of Swiss artist Jean Tinguely.
Basel, Switzerland

'Eine gefahrliche Uberfahrt' ('A Dangerous Crossing')

Along the Rhine, about a mile from the historic Munster, learn the heartrending story of two lovers torn asunder, cast into unknown layers of time and space.
Chur, Switzerland

Church of St. Luzi Crypt

The remains of St. Lucius of Chur were said to be kept in this crypt for several centuries.
Chur, Switzerland

Gigerplatz Fountain

Study the Alien etchings in this fountain while you refill your water bottle.
Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein Postal Museum

Browse through a century of this principality's first popular export.