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Places visited in Outer Hebrides, Scotland
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Glasgow, Scotland

Suffragette Umbrella Stand

A discarded umbrella stand from a women's prison is an object of pride at a library that is dedicated to women's culture and achievements.
Glasgow, Scotland

Blackstone Chair

The 18th-century inspiration behind Harry Potter's Sorting Hat.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cathkin Park Stadium

This former football stadium seems almost abandoned but is still in use by the next generation of Scottish sports stars.
Tummel Bridge, Scotland

Tummel Bridge Hydro Power Station

One of Scotland's earliest hydroelectric power stations.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls

Ancient cliffs resembling a kilt on Scotland's second largest island emit an entrancing sound.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Meat Market

The lasting remains of a bygone era of open-air meat markets.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witches' Well

The fountain marks the area where hundreds of accused witches were burned at the stake.
Bixter, Scotland

Shetland Cake Fridges and Honesty Boxes

Across the islands, baked goods, sauces, and much more are for sale 24/7.
Fetlar, Scotland

The Hjaltadans Stone Circle

On a remote island, legend has it that a fiddler and his wife were turned to stone.
Prague, Czechia

Defenestration of Prague Window

The palace window through which Protestant nobles flung two Catholic regents, thus sparking the Thirty Years' War.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Prague, Czechia

'Il Commendatore' ('Cloak of Conscience')

This spooky statue sits outside a famous Prague theater.
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Prague, Czechia


This automated sculpture of two men peeing will spell out text messages with their micturition.
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Prague, Czechia

Old Jewish Cemetery

Around 100,000 bodies are buried below the medieval headstones, many of which mark graves with multiple bodies stacked up to 12 deep.
Prague, Czechia

Old New Synagogue

Synagogue built from the stones of Solomon's temple contains the golem of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Metronome

Steadily reminding Czechia of its past.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia

Vinárna Čertovka

This walkway is so narrow it needs its own light to stop pedestrian traffic jams.
Prague, Czechia


An Orwellian sculpture with eyeball cameras watches passersby.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dunbar's Close

A verdant 17th-century-style garden hidden along Edinburgh’s Royal Mile.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Morocco's Land Effigy

This unusual statue overlooking the Royal Mile has an interesting backstory.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mons Meg

A six-ton wedding present for the King of the Scots.