rspratt03's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Fraserburgh, Scotland
Places visited in Rosehearty, Scotland
Places visited in Inverkeithing, Scotland
Places visited in Strichen, Scotland
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Põhja-Tallinna, Estonia

Fortress Patarei

A former imperial sea-fortress and Soviet prison.
Tallinn, Estonia


An empty relic of the Moscow Olympics crumbles away in Estonia's capital.
Tallinn, Estonia

Saint Olaf's Church

During the Soviet era, the spire of this longstanding church was used as a radio transmission tower.
Tallinn, Estonia

Hellemann Tower and City Walls

Walk along the medieval fortifications that have been protecting Tallinn since the 14th century.
Tallinn, Estonia

St Catherine's Passage

A medieval setting reimagined into a unique art alley.
Tallinn, Estonia

Old Thomas

The Guardian of Tallinn.
Tallinn, Estonia

Haunted Guest House

Spend your honeymoon where the Devil had his wedding.
London, England

Cabmen’s Shelter in Russell Square

Originally built for London’s cab drivers, this bright green hut now serves anyone a hot drink or meal.
London, England

Peace Garden at Tavistock Square

A quiet, semi-secret square with statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Virginia Woolf, and a conscientious objectors stone.
Glasgow, Scotland

Spitfire LA198

An icon of the Battle of Britain is frozen in flight in a grand Victorian museum.
Glasgow, Scotland

Lion and Unicorn Staircase

This emblematic representation is said to bring the students good fortune.
Glasgow, Scotland

Tchai-Ovna House of Tea

Hidden on a cobblestone street in Glasgow, a Czech Cajovna-inspired teahouse serves as a hangout for Bohemians.
John o' Groats, Scotland

John o' Groats Marker

The sign marks one of the endpoints to mainland Britain's longest overland travel route.
Fraserburgh, Scotland

St Drostan's Well

Believed to be the site where St. Drostan performed baptisms.
Fraserburgh, Scotland

Museum of Scottish Lighthouses

An 18th-century lighthouse built on a 16th-century castle is now a monument to the maritime beacons of Scotland.
Rosehearty, Scotland

Old Pitsligo Church

The south aisle of this church once served as a burial vault.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Black Castle

This severely painted building has a twisted connection to the witch hunts of the 1640s.
Dalgety Bay, Scotland

St. Bridget's Kirk

Wander around the extensive remains of this 12th-century medieval church.
Ottawa, Ontario

Pandemic Bridge at Porter's Island

The metal truss bridge served as the sole entry point to an "isolation island" for smallpox outbreaks throughout the 1870s and early 1940s.
Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Jail Hostel

This inexpensive lodging house was once a prison notorious for its inhumane practices.
Ottawa, Ontario


Louise Bourgeois' 30-foot-tall steel spider sculpture.
Ottawa, Ontario

Château Laurier

The mastermind behind this palatial hotel perished on the Titanic weeks before its grand opening.
Ottawa, Ontario

Central Experimental Farm

A sprawling Victorian farm that has been surrounded by a capital city is one of Canada's greatest treasures.
Ottawa, Ontario

Hogs Back Lockstation

These locks on North America’s oldest canal are named after a porcine rock formation.