shrylhughes1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Haven, West Virginia

Philip Sporn Mine

This abandoned mine and power plant was built atop land once given to Revolutionary War soldiers.
Marietta, Ohio

Washington County Courthouse Motifs

Dozens of striking Indian symbols cover the second-floor hallways of this rural courthouse.
Gallipolis, Ohio

Silver Bridge Disaster Memorial

The failure of one component toppled this entire bridge during rush hour.
Buckingham, Virginia

The Light Of Truth Universal Shrine

The flower-shaped temple in Virginia aims to transcend the boundaries of the world’s religions.
Meeteetse, Wyoming

Meeteetse Museum

This museum details the history of a local miracle: The return of the critically endangered black-footed ferret, which was once believed to be extinct.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.
Thermopolis, Wyoming

Hot Springs State Park

The world's largest mineral hot springs is home to a herd of bison, a free public bath house, beautiful mineral formations, and a terrifying swinging bridge.
Lander, Wyoming

The Sinks

This canyon is named for a unique geologic formation where the river vanishes underground near the mouth of the canyon and reappears farther down.
Boyce, Virginia

Ginkgo Grove Garden

Every autumn, this grove of living fossils erupts in a blaze of brilliant golden-yellow leaves and stinky fruit.
Newport News, Virginia

Army Transportation Museum Foundation

A collection of vehicles across American military history.
Florence, Italy

Galileo's Middle Finger

The middle finger of modernity.
San Antonio, Texas

Grave of Sandra West and Her Ferrari

In 1977, wealthy socialite Sandra West was buried wearing an elegant white nightdress while reclining comfortably in her powder-blue 1964 Ferrari.
Nashville, Tennessee

Santa's Pub

Flaunt your karaoke chops at this pitch-perfect dive bar.