ecorrin22's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Beechview-Seldom Seen Greenway

This secluded walking trail is a hidden gem of a Pittsburgh park.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Photo Antiquities Museum

Its vintage camera collection gives a snapshot of the past as viewed through a photographic lens.
Brooklyn, New York

Miller Building

A 9-story, poured concrete structure which was used as a glue factory with an indelible smell.
Brooklyn, New York

Columbia Street Waterfront District Sculpture Garden

This eclectic sculpture garden in Brooklyn, home to a bizarre collection of art, was once a run-down junkyard.
Brooklyn, New York

Endale Arch

This striking arch, one of the first architectural elements constructed in Prospect Park, was recently restored to its original glory.
Brooklyn, New York

Taste the Tropics USA

In Little Caribbean, an ice-cream shop serves up regional flavors, including soursop, Irish moss, and "greatnut."
Brooklyn, New York

Pioneer Works

An unconventional space for art and science housed in a massive old warehouse.
Brooklyn, New York

Monk Parakeets of Brooklyn College

Con Edison’s exotic and heat-loving pests.
Brooklyn, New York

Madagascar Institute

Risk arrest while partying to fund art.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island Mermaid Parade

The famed amusement district marks the beginning of summer with a wild procession of nautical creatures.
Brooklyn, New York

Bensonhurst Statue House

One Brooklyn man's collection of life-size fiberglass statues has taken over his entire yard.
Brooklyn, New York

Gowanus Ballroom

A working metal shop and venue for outrageous art and music shows in a former cannonball factory.
Brooklyn, New York

Museum of Food and Drink

Here, exhibits come with a side of edible history.
Brooklyn, New York

Minerva Monument

A curious friendship between two inanimate ladies.
Brooklyn, New York

Lesbian Herstory Archives

The world's largest collection of materials relating to lesbian history is housed in a Brooklyn townhouse.
Brooklyn, New York

McGovern Weir Greenhouse

One of only two remaining Victorian-era greenhouses in New York.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Art Walls

This outdoor gallery of graffiti-covered walls pays homage to the past, present, and possible future of street art.
Brooklyn, New York

Spectacle Theater

A no-frills cinephile haven known for showing offbeat, underseen films.
Brooklyn, New York


Check out the underground party scene at the "Burning Man of Brooklyn."
Brooklyn, New York

Leroy's Place

This interactive gallery makes you feel like you've stepped into a fantasy world filled with whimsical monsters.
Brooklyn, New York

The Carousel in Prospect Park

You can still ride this 100-year-old work of art in Brooklyn's largest public park.
Brooklyn, New York

The Smile Face Museum

This collection of grinning ephemera has grown from basement to Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, New York

Interference Archive

Volunteer-run library dedicated to exploring five decades of activism history.
Brooklyn, New York

Wyckoff Street Mosaic

Detailed facade of a brownstone in Boerum Hill.