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Madrid, Spain

Parque del Oeste Pillboxes

These three pillboxes still remain as a witness of the Spanish Civil War in a park of Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

The Rocker Grandma

This amazing abuela became a diehard metal fan late in life and an icon of Madrid's '80s rock scene.
Madrid, Spain

Templo de Debod

An ancient Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid, Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Chamberí Ghost Station

Abandoned for decades, trains still pass through the now-restored remains of one of Madrid's first metro stations.
Madrid, Spain

Planeta Arganzuela Mural

A neighborhood represented by an apparent geocentric and flat-earth model of the Solar System is hidden in the subway of Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

Nave de Motores de Pacífico (Pacifico Engine Shed)

Built to power trains, the engines in this building provided the entire city of Madrid with electricity during the Spanish Civil War.
Madrid, Spain

Madrid's Walk of Fame

Just like in Hollywood, Madrid has also a forgotten walk of fame.
Madrid, Spain

Farmacia Juanse

A window into a long-lost world, these colorful tiles advertise a long-defunct range of purgative teas, harmless smokables, and diarrhea cures.
Madrid, Spain

Spain's Good Luck Frog

This lucky bronze frog was gifted to Madrid by a casino.
Madrid, Spain

Altamira Cave Replica

A reproduction of the famous prehistoric cave paintings is hidden underground at the National Archaeological Museum.
Madrid, Spain

Air Crash

A whimsical brother of the nearby Fallen Angel statue takes the falling part quite literally.
Madrid, Spain

Museum of Popular Art and Traditions

Strange masks and obscure costumes are housed in this old Madrid corrala.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Madrid, Spain

Salt Street Watchmaker

An automaton perched above an classic clock and watch store
Madrid, Spain

Caja de las Letras

A vault of safe-deposit boxes in an old bank has been repurposed as a time capsule of Hispanic culture.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Madrid, Spain

Ahuehuete del Buen Retiro ("El Abuelo")

One of Madrid's oldest trees, with a long and colorful history, resides in El Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

Juan de la Cosa Map

The earliest known map to show America, discovered by accident at a Paris bookshop.
Madrid, Spain

Espejos del Callejón del Gato (Cat Alley Mirrors)

These distorting, funhouse mirrors achieved fame in a renowned piece of Spanish theater.
Madrid, Spain

Perro Paco

A statue commemorating a beloved stray dog who was adopted by the entire neighborhood where he lived.
Berlin, Germany

Haus des Lehrers

A socialist building dedicated to teachers showcases one of the largest Soviet mosaics in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Herta Heuwer Currywurst Memorial

A plaque on the side of a building is a small tribute to the woman who invented an iconic Berlin fast food.