acbehnke's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cardiff, Wales

Animal Wall at Cardiff Castle

Recently restored menagerie of Victorian-era beasts.
Cardiff, Wales

The Arab Room at Cardiff Castle

A harem-inspired Moorish fantasy design in a Victorian-era Welsh castle.
Llangennith, Wales

Worm's Head Tidal Island

A rocky sea serpent hides caves, blowholes, and a spectacular natural bridge.
Ironbridge, England

The Iron Bridge

This bridge is the first to be made entirely from iron, but designed like it was still made of wood.
Stratford-upon-Avon, England

Garden of Heroes and Villains

One of the largest sculpture collections in the U.K. features history's greats, from Bob Dylan to Galileo, in bronze.
London, England

The Clink Prison Museum

An incarceration museum on the spot of possibly the oldest prison in England.
London, England

Black Museum

Since 1874, this macabre collection has developed into a museum devoted to Scotland Yard's mementos of dastardly deeds.
London, England

Pelicans of St James's Park

Giant, friendly pelicans in Central London, the most unlikely of places.
London, England

The London Dungeon

One part local history, 99 parts gruesome haunted house.
Wieliczka, Poland

Wieliczka Salt Mine

An underground city of salt.
Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland

Kaplica Czaszek: The Chapel of Skulls

The walls and ceiling of this Polish church are decorated with thousands of skulls, with another 21,000 skeletons just below.
Torun, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus House

Museum dedicated to "the man who moved the Earth."
Kutna Hora, Czechia

Sedlec Ossuary "Bone Church"

A church of bones, decorated with 40,000 human skeletons.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Schweindorf, Germany

Westerholt E-66 Observation Wind Turbine

Giant wind turbine with observation deck at the very top.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Metronome

Steadily reminding Czechia of its past.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia

Jan Palach Memorial

Monument to a suicide protesting the Soviet invasion.
Berlin, Germany

Ramones Museum

Blitzkrieg bop your way through Berlin's Ramones Museum.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Dresden, Germany

Kunsthofpassage Singing Drain Pipes

When the rain falls, this drain system turns into a musical instrument.
Dresden, Germany

touched echo

Silent memorial, using bone conduction to take people back to the Dresden Bombing of 1945.
Frankfurt, Germany

Henninger Turm

The world's only silo that was topped by two revolving restaurants has unfortunately been demolished.
Mühltal, Germany

Castle Frankenstein

The birthplace of an eccentric alchemist and possible inspiration for the fictional reanimator of monsters.