AcrylicInk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Polly at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

The taxidermied remains of a once-great parrot.
London, England

Kyoto Garden

A little slice of Japan and its aesthetics in London's Holland Park.
London, England

Ragged School Museum

A Victorian school for poverty stricken waifs has been preserved as a museum to their donated education.
London, England

Aldgate Pump

This pump on the bad side of Victorian London betrayed a horrifying revelation about the water supply.
London, England

K2 Telephone Boxes

The wooden telephone box hidden away in London's Piccadilly was the original prototype of the iconic kiosk.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
London, England

Two Princes Staircase

Richard III supposedly disposed of his nephews' bodies here in an effort to seal his claim to the throne.
London, England

Queen Mary's Garden

The rose garden in Regent's Park where Pongo and Perdita met for the first time in Disney's "101 Dalmatians."
London, England

V&A Museum of Childhood

A museum wholly devoted to juvenescence.
London, England

Eltham Palace

Art Deco and “Wrenaissance” mash-up, this recently restored royal residence has been home to kings and comes with secret monkey passages included.
London, England

Leinster Gardens False Facades

You'd never know the houses at 23-24 Leinster Gardens were fakes—until you see the train tracks on the other side.
London, England

Michael Faraday's Laboratory

The lab where the scientist made his groundbreaking discoveries is preserved on the basement floor of the Faraday Museum.
London, England

Athena the Owl

The Florence Nightingale Museum is home to the famous nurse's most treasured possession: her beloved pet owl.
London, England

The Navigators

Ship-sized kinetic sculptural fantasy.
London, England

'Treatment Rooms' Mosaic House

This home on a quiet suburban street is completely covered with vibrant mosaics.
London, England

Tomb of the Unknown London Girl

The remains of an ancient Roman teenager are memorialized at the base of a modern London landmark.
London, England

Museum of the Home

Explore nearly 400 years of English middle-class home life.
London, England

The Mayflower Pub

The London pub overlooks where the Mayflower was moored before setting sail for the New World.
London, England

Word on the Water

This 1920s Dutch barge is now a floating bookstore.
London, England

The Tower Ravens

Six ravens are kept captive (but well-fed) at the Tower of London to prevent the fall of the Crown.
London, England

The Theatre

Two plaques commemorate the site of Shakespeare's first theatre.
London, England

Public Standards of Length

19th-century scientists would make the pilgrimage here to verify the precision of their measuring sticks.
London, England

The First Public Drinking Fountain

Public access to clean drinking water was an instant hit among the masses.
London, England

Euston's Lost Tunnels

A network of concealed passageways lies within a busy London Underground station.