adriennehighley's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Angler's Lodge and Casting Pools

Perfect your fly fishing technique on their practice ponds.
San Francisco, California

Prayer Book Cross

A monumental cross hides in the trees in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Heroes Grove Memorial

A quiet marker in memory of local men and women lost in WWI.
San Francisco, California

John McLaren Statue

The legendary statue-hating superintendent of Golden Gate Park is honored with... a statue.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Lawn Bowling Club

The oldest lawn bowling club in the United States.
San Francisco, California

Drawn Stone

Art in the form of a winding, man made crack in stone.
San Francisco, California

Arch of Colonial Trees

Thirteen trees representing the original thirteen colonies were planted with soil from historic Revolutionary battlefields.
San Francisco, California

California Academy of Sciences Herpetology Department

Over 315,000 preserved amphibians and reptiles in jars.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Druid Circles

The stones that traveled from Spain to eventually become a holy place for San Francisco's nature worshippers.
San Francisco, California

Sweeney Observatory Site

Barely visible foundations remain where Stow Lake’s “observatory” once welcomed visitors.
San Francisco, California

Garden of Fragrance

Olfactory delights in San Francisco's Botanical Gardens.
San Francisco, California

Spanish Monastery Stones

The remains of a 12th-century chapter house in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture

California's most comprehensive horticultural library.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
El Cerrito, California

Playland Not At the Beach

9,000 square feet of vintage and modern mechanical toys, dioramas & sideshow curiosities.
Oakland, California

Bay Bridge Troll

A creepy steel gremlin has protected the Bay Bridge since 1989.
Albany, California

Albany Bulb

An "anarchical" no man's land, complete with garbage sculptures and a hobo-run "Landfillian Library."
Oakland, California

Jonestown Memorial

The memorial to the victims of the Jonestown Massacre carries the names of 918 lost, including one name people wish wasn't there.
Alameda, California

Alameda Spite House

This (occupied) house is 10 feet wide and full of spite.
Berkeley, California

Adventure Playground

A playground built by the kids that is a child's wonderland, and a helicopter parent's nightmare.
Memphis, Tennessee

St. Peter’s Spiritual Temple (Voodoo Village)

A reclusive Memphis neighborhood is home to decades worth of misunderstood Masonic folk art.
Oakland, California

The Crucible

An art collective teaching the more fiery, metal-y art forms.
Oakland, California

Joaquin Miller Monuments

Odd stone and concrete monuments in the "Poet of the Sierras" eclectic folly garden.
Oakland, California

16th Street Train Station

A crumbling Beaux Arts monument to the Bay Area's age of rail.