aggadothings's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rotherham, England

The Chapel of Our Lady

This oddly placed 15th-century church is one of only six bridge chapels left in England.
Wentworth, England

Hoober Stand

This folly built to commemorate an aristocratic victory over Catholic rebellion plays tricks on the eye.
Etsaut, France

Chemin de la Mâture

This narrow path was cut right into a French mountainside to feed the country's early naval expansion.
Bozate, Spain

Museo Santxotena

Eccentric sculpture garden brings Basque mythology to life.
Fábrica de Orbaitzeta, Spain

Munitions Factory of Orbaitzeta

Abandoned 18th century weapons factory in the Aezkoa Valley.
Épila, Spain

Basanta - The House of God

The quirky - and private - constructions of a secluded artist depict the house of God.
Sigüés, Spain

Abandoned Village of Esco

A Franco-era dam flooded (almost) everyone out of this centuries-old Aragonese town.
Enciso, Spain

Enciso Ichnites

Hundreds of preserved dinosaur footprints can be found along a hiking trail in this small village.
San Martín de la Virgen del Moncayo, Spain

Abandoned Agramonte del Moncayo Tuberculosis Sanatorium

The deserted remains of a luxury hotel turned hospital ward.
Alcoy, Spain

Firefighters Museum of Alcoy

The first firefighters museum in southern Spain is ironically located in an old textile mill that burned down in 1985.
Puentedey, Spain

Natural Arch Bridge

A charming Spanish village sits atop this natural limestone overpass.
Puente Viesgo, Spain

Caves of Monte Castillo

The walls of these four caverns are filled with art that dates back to the earliest human presence in Europe.
Bilbao, Spain

Jeff Koons' Puppy

Giant topiary dog once played a role in a terrorist bomb plot.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Spain


Hundreds of stone stairs and a winding medieval bridge connect this haunting Spanish island to the mainland.
Kortezubi, Spain

Bosque Animado de Oma

A living art gallery painted on a canvas of Monterey pine trees.
Estella, Spain

Park of the Sleepless (El Parque de los Desvelados)

A landscape decorated with enormous skull sculptures.
Nuévalos, Spain

Monasterio de Piedra

12th-century holy complex shares land with a natural park full of heavenly waterfalls and raptors.
Teruel, Spain

Los Arcos Aqueduct

This multi-level, aqueduct-footbridge hybrid is one of the greatest works of the Spanish Renaissance.
Navajas, Spain

Salto de la Novia

Translating as "The Jump of the Girlfriend," this stunning waterfall has a tragic legend behind it.
Manises, Spain

The Ceramics of Manises

Beautiful tiles decorate many of the town's surfaces and stand testimony to its glorious artistic history.
Burjassot, Spain

Patio de Los Silos

The odd cement nubs littering this Spanish square are actually the entrances to a series of buried silos.
Valencia, Spain

El Carme Street Art

Vibrant street art created with mixed media.
Sax, Spain

Colony of Santa Eulalia

An abandoned socialist utopia built in the late 19th century.
Biar, Spain

Medieval Aqueduct of Biar

This 15th-century aqueduct with distinctive pointed arches was used for irrigation in the Vinalopó valley.