AmyAmesly's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Springfield, Missouri

Fantastic Caverns

The show pony of cave systems, Fantastic Caverns manages to live up to its name.
Columbia, Missouri

Devil's Icebox

Curious cave that stays a cool 56 degrees all year long.
St. Joseph, Missouri

Glore Psychiatric Museum

The history of the treatment of mental illness, illustrated in all its gory detail, and housed in an asylum.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

Bonne Terre Mine

The world's largest man-made underground caverns offer unparalleled underwater wonders.
St. Louis, Missouri

City Museum

Less a museum than a bizarre fantasy world created by artists and engineers.
Camdenton, Missouri

Ha Ha Tonka Castle Ruins

European castle ruins in an American state park are actually the product of death and grief.
Jadwin, Missouri

Welch Spring Hospital Ruins

Once an ambitious nature spa, these forest ruins now provide a serene monument to failure.
Lesterville, Missouri

Johnson's Shut-Ins

Erosion and time have created a naturally-formed water park.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Belchertown, Massachusetts

Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded

This decrepit abandoned building is made all the more eerie by its dark history.
Falmouth, Massachusetts

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi’s Grave

Final resting place of a pioneering scurvy researcher.
Orange, Massachusetts

Woman's Christian Temperance Union Fountain

A remnant of the 19th-century dream to discourage people from drinking booze by offering them water.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Johnny Ro Veterans Memorial Park

Funded entirely by volunteers and donors this military memorial features a tank with a comedy line on its barrel.
Hull, Massachusetts

City of Salisbury Shipwreck

A freighter full of exotic animals ends a harrowing voyage impaled on uncharted rocks in the Boston Harbor.
Hull, Massachusetts

Flying Santa Delivers to Boston Light

A man in a plane delivers Christmas packages to lighthouses.
Lowell, Massachusetts

Wannalancit Mills Smokestack Christmas Tree

Every December the Wannalancit Mills lights a Christmas Tree over the old mill's smokestack.
Winthrop, Massachusetts

Deer Island Treatment Plant

Second largest wastewater treatment plant in the country.
Boston, Massachusetts

Charles Sumner Birthplace Plaque

A plaque marking the famous abolitionist's birthplace often overlooked by visitors to the nearby Charles Sumner House.
West Tisbury, Massachusetts

Heath Hen Sculpture

A memorial sculpture to heath hens stands on the spot where the last heath hen, Booming Ben, was last seen.
Boston, Massachusetts

Eliot Public School

A school used as a model for public education across the country.
Newton, Massachusetts

Battle Dioramas at Newton City Hall

These impressively detailed battle scenes depict the violence and tragedy of war in miniature.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Stearns Steeple

The monumental steeple on Amherst College's campus has no church attached to it.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Site of Emma Goldman's Ice Cream Shop

On a side street near the interstate is the building where the famous anarchist once owned an ice cream parlor.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.